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Getting to Know You:

First Night Alone

"Oohh, this bed is sooo soft"! Miyo exclaimed who never slept in a bed except that of earth. "Master, is this where we will sleep"?

"No, you will be sleeping in the guest room" Keen replied. It was late and he was tired from all the information on who and what Miyo was; a spirit fox, and wanted to give his mind and body a rest.

"But Miyo wants to sleep with you"!

"W-well, you can't! And don't say that, it has two meanings. Besides, there's not enough room for both of us on that old thing".

"Yes there is! We could sleep real close, like this-"

"No!" Keen was a decent man and found too many things wrong with this picture, even if Miyo couldn't see due to complete innocence and naivety, but his will was giving out from being mentally and physically tired, and Miyo new this.

"But it's cold outside! We could keep each other warm by sleeping close! You don't trust me to be good"? she asked, her eyes showing the faintest hint of sadness from the thought.

At the sight of this, Keens will gave out a little more. "It's not that I don't trust you, it's just that...well..." And he couldn't finish. He could already see Miyo's eyes start to tear up ever so slightly and new he couldn't win. He also knew it was wrong, on so many levels, but didn't want Miyo to think he didn't like her and cause a sad scene, so reluctantly gave in completely. "Alright, alright, you can sleep with me. But no crying, okay"?

Miyo's face instantly brightened; "Okay"!; and that was that. Keen found an old nightie meant as a gift for Crystal for last year, lent it to Miyo, went to the bathroom to get ready for bed, and left Miyo to change.

"Master, Miyo is done dressing now"!

Keen walked out of the bathroom in his pajama bottoms and a white t-shirt and headed straight for the bed, and was almost taken back. Miyo was sitting patiently on the end, legs folded in traditional Japanese sitting style, wearing a pink Kimono nightie.

"H-how's it fit"?

"Oh, this is wonderful, master! It's so soft and fits perfectly, and the fabric feels like silk, but I thought only emperors could afford such things"?

"Nowadays such things are available to anyone. A lot has changed since you were...um, sealed, and nowadays almost anyone can live almost like an emperor did". As he spoke, he slid under the covers from the side. Apparently, before Miyo's spirit was sealed (which story still seems somewhat skeptical to Keen but evidently true) she lived as a Kitsune, or spirit fox, sometime around feudal Japan. Now, she's been abruptly waken into a time not her own, and with only two tails remaining from her nine, striped from her for an unknown reason, is just now experiencing some things for the first time.

"Wow..." Suddenly, a long, deep yawn overcame Miyo and her whole demeanor seemed to emulate the effect of drowsiness. "Can we sleep now, master? Miyo ish tired".

"Yes, we can sleep now, Miyo, and I asked you to stop calling me that. My name is Keen. I know you think I saved you from that monster-err, truck (she's rubbing off on me already) but you don't owe me anything and you don't have to call me master". Keen already gave up trying to explain about the hospital and how it was the doctor who saved her so let her think he was the one who saved her. Keen settled himself in and started to relax when Miyo crawled on all fours and snuggled in facing Keen. She nuzzled her way into him and rested herself against Keen. Keens face started to turn red.

"But you saved me, master. You gave me a place to stay, good clothing, and rescued me from that truck-monster, and you didn't banish me! Miyo's life is the only thing I can give you in return".

Miyo was already lying on Keens arm and was so close Keen couldn't put his other arm anywhere else but at his side.

"If master is uncomfortable, he can put his arms around me, Miyo doesn't mind".

Keen, reluctant but too uncomfortable to sleep (too sleepy to argue and really was too far gone to argue a change at this point), bent the one arm Miyo was over around her upper shoulder, and wrapped the other one around her waist, hanging politely lose so as not to impose anything. Miyo was relatively small compared to Keen, his chin was resting gently on Miyo's head, partly because she was also slightly curled up, but also because she was so close he really didn't have a choice. Lying in this position, Keen felt the subtle contours and curves of her body and for the first time realized how slender Miyo's body was. He remembered her, sitting on the end of his bed in the pink kimono-nightie, her legs showing from the knees down, her body proportioned just right, filled out in all the right places, and adequately in good shape and health" By the time Keen realized he let his thoughts go too far, it was too late. Not that Keen was lecherous in any way, Keen was a virgin, but not completely inept in the ways of passion, and thus has not had the time and experience required to exercise full self control, even over mere thought.

Miyo was so close she could obviously feel what was going on through Keens mind and her cheeks blushed a light red, almost pinkish hue. "Does master desire Miyo's body"? she asked numbly.

Keen was taken back. Apparently she knew more than he first thought, and Keen was unable to answer, he could only muster a stuttered "What?!" and his cheeks flushed a bright red.

"All master must do is ask, if he wishes so. Miyo's life is his and must obey his word".

Keen could hardly think of anything to say. His mind was faltering, and he decided he had to say something, so he said the one thing that was on his mind the most. "Miyo, do y-you kn-know what you ask"? Unfortunately, if Keen wanted to change her opinion of him and assure her that it was a first and minor mistake, this was the wrong question to ask because it puts him in the light of actually meaning to take advantage of her, but not without consent.

"Yes, Miyo knows. I never did such things as a spirit fox, but I've heard stories of those foxes who have either to satisfy their own needs, or to repay a debt. Miyo also knows that it's what all men want, no matter how kind they are."

Keen couldn't really argue the case, but by no means was this his intention. "Miyo, I-I'm sorry."

Miyo looked up at him, puzzled.

"I didn't mean to give you that impression of me, I wasn't paying attention to my own thoughts and let my guard down. I can assure you that no matter what you've heard about men in the past, I won't try to do anything, not even if you asked me. It just wouldn't be right, on so many key points". Not only was it truth coming form his heart and how he felt about that particular subject, but also true cause this new found embarrassment left him pretty much turned off of even the thought of it for the night.

Keen was relaxed and embarrassed, and Miyo was still close enough to feel he was telling the truth. "Oh, thank you master!" Miyo said, giving him a light kiss on the cheek. This made Keens complexion turn a shade of red that would be mistaken for blood on his face in this lighting from a distance. Miyo snuggled back into place, leaving Keen to his mesh of feelings.

Boy, it's a good thing Crystal wasn't around to see that! Keen thought, but tomorrow, his luck was about to change.

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